Thursday, October 4, 2012

Almost time for the apocalypse! XD

Well, look who's back! Me! In time for another two-and-most-of-another-months of blogging, or trying to, before the end of the Mayan calendar when the Mayans predicted that the world will end, or something like that.
Life's been hectic, as always... Been doing ten and a half hours of dancing a week, not getting any homework done, been forced by the school into PDHPE classes I really, really don't want to take. Sex ed, ugh. Why can't they buy everyone a copy of The Intimate Adventures Of A London Call Girl by Belle de Jour instead? It's much more entertaining than being told to put condoms on carrots. Although it's fun to go around poking people with it (hee hee hee).
Got my ROSA exams coming up. I just KNOW I'm gonna do badly in Mathematics. First exam up is Science, a topic which I'm pretty decent at. In the top of the top class, I think that's pretty good.
I'm going to find some more fanfics to post. I've read some good ones lately, I'll try to find those.
Oh, and if anyone wants to talk to me on, I'm RiverTam1.
See you in the world!