Thursday, October 4, 2012

Almost time for the apocalypse! XD

Well, look who's back! Me! In time for another two-and-most-of-another-months of blogging, or trying to, before the end of the Mayan calendar when the Mayans predicted that the world will end, or something like that.
Life's been hectic, as always... Been doing ten and a half hours of dancing a week, not getting any homework done, been forced by the school into PDHPE classes I really, really don't want to take. Sex ed, ugh. Why can't they buy everyone a copy of The Intimate Adventures Of A London Call Girl by Belle de Jour instead? It's much more entertaining than being told to put condoms on carrots. Although it's fun to go around poking people with it (hee hee hee).
Got my ROSA exams coming up. I just KNOW I'm gonna do badly in Mathematics. First exam up is Science, a topic which I'm pretty decent at. In the top of the top class, I think that's pretty good.
I'm going to find some more fanfics to post. I've read some good ones lately, I'll try to find those.
Oh, and if anyone wants to talk to me on, I'm RiverTam1.
See you in the world!

Monday, October 3, 2011

River's Diary: Part Eight by Myownknight

The Dreams of Times not Past.

In my dreams I'm searching again, for that I've never lost. It's strange. Everything so familiar, but I've never seen it, I'm sure. its nice. no ones yelling, and I'm sure if I just turn around, I'll see my friends behind me. the ones I left behind. 

The ones I left behind in the cages when I flew. 
before they clipped my wings again.

oh Wôde mā.
Dumb Homosapiens.

Must tell them, but they never listen. Always looking for the words behind my meaning, never seeing what I'm saying. what's so hard about "there's chicks still in the hawks nest, but the sparrows won't fly away from them. one of their own, so they'll feed them, then flee to the mountains." ?
Stupid men, with their need for order and weddings. least the Cap'n knows somethings wrong, but course he seems to think its just bout us and poor Serenity. Guess that's the best I can get rights about now. Will just have to change course next time I fly.
For a genius, I am awfully predictable.

She's Not With You Anymore.

I live. 
I walk. Next to you, not with you, because it all matters now. Every little thing. 
I can see you. You are healthy. You sleep, and love, and eat, and walk. You walk straight into the trap. You are not Chosen.
I see Him. see his Choices He has no hope, he is of death. But he tries. And he fails. Less, than some, but still he tries. It's all he has. All he is.
Others try to change him.
They will fail.

They're trying to change me.

Cap'n finally put me in charge of flying again tonight, while he and Zoe get some shut eye. Soon as his mind left the light, I got to turn us in the right direction. Now, while everyone but me and Serenity slumber, we're off, to save the golden harp, from some very mean giants.
I suppose I better lock the cockpit. Cap'n Daddy always does get so upset about changes of course. Now way to explain why, though. Just have to show them.
At least with Simon and Kaylee getting snuggly officially, I get to have Kay's room. still finding fascinating little screws, tools, and the occasional sock stuck hither thither and yawn.


Oh So Fussy.

Everybody started waking up, and there's such a hollering and fuss, Cap’n bellowing as to where the dickens are we, Simon trying to send me to sleep, and Jayne just wants ta shoot me. Didn’t believe me when I told them through the door, that I am of my fully functioning mental capacity as of this moment. Kaylee kinda believes me, but everybody else thinks it's Miranda all over again. Just two more days, and we’ll be there, and then they can fuss and try to turn around. I know Cap’n Daddy, once he see them he won’t be able to leave them behind.

You’d think at the minimum they’d thank me for spoofing our navsat signal, so as to appear as if we’re a freighter that’ll be passing our true destination right on by. Kaylee and Cap'n didn't even teach me that one. But nooooo, they just wanna get to their next job. Our family can be so short sighted sometime.

~River T.


Present and partially accounted for.

well, we're here. And I am currently locked in the pantry again, as if I couldn't get out if I wanted to. It's more of a courtesy, really, something to keep Jayne quiet with, and keep River out of the way as they tried to figure out where the hell we are. 
By now I can feel them discovering the notes I left in the cockpit, the drawing and stories half hiding the terrible truth of this place. I tried to be as clear as I could be, but my head cries when I remember too closely. Instead, I left them the tale of a little boy, who was captured by evil wizards, and locked in a dungeon with twelve other children. One of them, a beautiful princess, snuck into his cage at night and whispered beautiful stories about the world outside, and about her brother, the prince who would come and rescue them. But time passed, and the princess grew frighten and confused, and forgot what the sky looked like. And the little boy was left all alone, until he forgot too. And he fell under the Wizards power, and remains there too this day, dimly remembering the little girl's promise to rescue him one day.

I can feel myself remembering now. But I don't want to remember, and its easier to just tell the story of the little boy, and the lost princess who never really found herself again.


Hellooo FFF! it's been quite awhile since I posted part seven, and I apologize for the wait. as always, you can find River on Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter. And to sweeten the deal, the last entry in part eight won't be posted anywhere else until tomorrow afternoon, so you get to read it first!

Clear skies, and open borders, ~Ji.

More hiatus, or, Gorrammit, I'm slack.

Hey guys! 3 months after I said I'd put something up every week, well... nothing.
But a surprise- River's Diary is back! Myownknight has finally put up part 8 on FFF!
So, here it is!
Stop reading!
It's the next post!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

More River's Diary!

Sorry about the hiatus guys! Been doing assignments for school, and myownknight has been busy doing stuff, so there wasn't much in the way of RD parts I could put up.
So... to fill in the gaps between River's Diary, I'll be getting some more of my favorite fanfic writers to agree to their stories being posted on here, and I'll also post news from the Verse on here too...
So expect more posts on here. I'll try to put at least 1 up every week!

Faithful blogger,
River Tam

River's Diary: Part Seven by myownknight

Into the black.
Nowhere else, can my head be so empty, and yet so filled. Nowhere else does it all seem to make perfect sense.
Only in the sky can I face the days ahead, the hours, the months, the years, the time I will spend filled with the others, before I go and become my own. Before its my turn to fill my head. 
I know what they did to me was wrong, and every cycle I wake up I face it all over again. But sometimes, when I help someone, or I see the good in Jayne, I somehow feel that this is my purpose in the Verse. To be the one person that always comprehends what’s really happening.

Maybe understanding it will come later.

-River Tam.


Three steps ahead, two steps back.
Well, we spent a lovely day and a half on Dyton, afor we left again, chasing after the elusive promise of work. I must say, I’m somewhat relieved to be back ‘neath the black again. Like the Cap’n and Zoe in that regard, always thinking three paces ahead of where we’re suppose to be. Even Jayne worries ‘bout it, but most of us leave the worrying to Mal.
Except me.
Cap’n trusts me to be two steps ahead of him, without him having to say a thing. And so I am.
But just cause I’m smart don’t mean I don’t get tired of it on occasion. Being a genius on a ship with the same people, day in, day out, is both tiring and frustrating on occasion.


Such a surprise.
Silly, yet somber, can’t wait to see his face. Kaylee’s been hankering to do this for months, ever since I had that episode that lead to the current look. Cap’n just keeps putting her off. Now, she’s callin’ it a ‘get well surprise’. More like a ‘get mad surprise’ if you ask me.
I’m doing the detail work. Just cause he’s gonna be mad, doesn’t mean I ain’t gonna help.

~ Mischievously, River.

Shock, and... Um?
Cap’ns mouth quite literally dropped when he finally managed to hobble out to the kitchen. was just silent for a good five point three nine minutes, staring at the shiny new look.
I perceive he is in some kind of shock. more to be following after he recovers.

I don’t think the new flowers look that bad. its all manner of ‘groovy’ as they used to say. Jayne just won’t eat in there anymore, says its too ‘sissified’.


In her own mind.
I spent my awake cycle with Inara today. She sat with her happy Buddha man for awhile. says it brings her peace.
Zoe has a different kind of peace. Zoe’s peace says when she dies, she goes to a pretty place. lots of light, no fear, no hate.
It won’t be what she imagines it to be, you know. Everything won’t be white, no wings, gravity can’t matter as much, statistically improbable. Won’t be the same, so why should they?
Can’t be what they want it to be, they want it all wrong.

It’s just a theory anyway.
~ River.

*read River's Diary everyday at, or follow her on Twitter and Facebook!*

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

River's Diary: Part Six by myownknight

An opportunity to write.

Our current job is on Santos, yet another center of discreet smuggling and mischievous activity. The cargo is box after box of tea leaves, hundreds in total. Being at a loss as to the use of such, didn't stop the Cap'n from snapping at easy cashy money. I'm transcribing this entry on my data-pad, as I await the crews return with the cargo. Pickup's not far, just a few city blocks away. I can still feel their presence, even in the roar of Santos' second biggest settlement. As crowded as it can get in the echo of the Black, I've grown accustomed to the constant presence of their minds. 
Something of a comfort I suppose.

Over and out - Pilot Albatross.


Tag, you're it.

Crazy, laughing, no stopping this time. Around and around, statistics predict a thirty percent chance of landing where I am. Allie's laughing, laughing at my silly faces, chase her round and round the ship, careful not to catch her till she's done. Zoe's always grateful for a break from the littlest lioness. Cap'n comes to check on his Angel and Albatross, see's cargo shifted a mite.
One step on the stairs, grip finally wears off, tumble, tumble, so slow, maybe if I hurry... Too late, he steps, and all goes upside wrong. So scared, Allie's frightened, so much pain, something snapped. Cap'n cussing, everyone running, running, can't seem to move, ribbons of people unspool past the thing called river.
I'm hiding again. Understand, won't comprehend. Everything was going so shiny...


Simple Complete Fracture of the Tibia.

Cap'n broke his leg, snapped like a twig don't know why it happened, haven't done anything again. Simon finds me, curled up tight, vents that don't really vent are still vents, just forgotten in their purpose.
Wasn't my fault he says, just ill luck is all. Cap'ns going to be fine, sent everybody away, just wants to see me afore he sleeps again. 
I can't go, won't go, he'll be mad again, make my head hurt like before, won't go through that again, please Simon, don't make me go.
But I go, and I move, and my feet carry me down past Simon, to the Infirmary. Stupid feet.
Cap'n on his back, left leg wrapped in layers of guilt and gauze. Kinda smiles when he sees me, thoughts wrapped in a haze of Morphine, easier to hide.
"Hey little one, you ok?" Five words, so different than I thought they would be. 
"My analysis indicates that in situations like this I should be inquiring as to your physical state of being." He chuckles quietly as he slips into a world of his own making, filled with pretty lights and Inara's face. I stay here alone, in the cold room that once filled my waking nightmares.

Time enough to harass Simon later.


Just Another Drop Off.

We land on Dyton today. Cap'ns still laid up, can't even sit up all the way without help. But a job is a job, and Zoe's suggestion made him roar. Big kitty, can't fight back just now. Good idea, worked before, just goes against his grain. Half an hours time, Zoe will be heading out to the drop-off, with Jayne as backup. 
And me.


The Misfit in his Mind.

Will he choose, or will he stay, stay inside while others play?
 Fight the fight that isn't his, loves a women that doesn't live. Wants a child that's never been. 
A past not secret, his secrets not passed, a babble of voice you never hear, a silence unspoken in the sky still unclear.

You can't hear me anyway.

*read River's Diary everyday at, or follow her on Twitter and Facebook!*

-many a Thanks to my Beta, GreenKa61. wow! To six parts, and six more! Ji-

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

River's Diary: Part Five by myownknight

Ghosts past now.
another day, always different, always same.
Teasing Kaylee, watching Inara, missing Wash, shadow fading every day. Hardly haunts Zoe anymore, but still there. Always missed, but no longer needed. Free to be just a memory now, one more puff of smoke on the ship called Serenity. Everyone misses him different, still miss the same. River never stops flowing, ships go with the flow. Ready to move on again.

his dinosaurs still guard the ship. guess they will always.

- River.


Fluctuations in Temperature.
Finally, Kaylee’s gotten around to fixing the Temperature Regulator. What with mooning over my boob of a brother, and fluttering around with ‘Nara ‘bout wedding go se, been going on almost two weeks since it busted, and everyone forced to bundle up in the Dorms, and strip as far as they dare in the cockpit. I’m not particularly bothered by heat, but it sure is fun to see the Cap’n go red when he walks in and I’m wearing Kaylee's shorts and a tank top. Were it not for ‘Nara Id think he was sly, but I know its just his dusty valor rising to the occasion.
As for the Two Weeks of Penance as its been referred to, worst part was two days in when Jayne threatened to go ‘bout ‘nekkid’ if she didn’t get the gorram thing fixed. Cap’n kaboshed that idea pretty quick, but not before I was bombarded with everyone's horrified thoughts as to how he would look. Most were far from kind.

- River Tam, Homo Sapien (Superior).


My Family
Inara says I ought to write a list of our family, don’t know, can’t see why, but will make ‘Nara happy.

My Family:
Cap’n Daddy- Malcolm Reynolds. captain, family father, protects, love, supports.
Mommy Aunt Inara - Inara Serra, sharer, carer, loves Cap’n Daddy.
Auntie Zoe- Zoe Washburne, Capn Daddy's second, mommy to the littlest, lioness.
Mei Mei Allie- Alleyne Washburne, three year old angel. understands rivers quiet, smartest of the bunch.
Crazy Uncle Jayne- muscle. boob. all kinds of horrific on the outside. thinks I can kill him with my brain. haven’t decided if I will.
Jie Jie Kay- Kaywinnet ‘Kaylee’ Lee Frye- soul of serenity. ships doc. loves everyone. Cap’n Daddy's favorite.
Simon- my brother. people doc. loves Kay. twice the boob Jayne is.
River- Albatross. pilot. Reader. crazy sometimes, not near as much now.
haven’t more time, have to go listen to Serenity’s heartbeat.


Kaylee's Inter-Engine Fermentation Brew.
dizzy spinning, not enough sleep
dazing drifting
falling of my seat.
shouldn’t have stolen,
was just one sip
hazy now can’t afford to trip.
didn’t know why, wasn’t allowed to try, thought it was stupid,
paying the price.

I’m going to go lay down on the bridge.

Breakfast Woes.

with just a few words, I muddle their heads, confuse straight lines they've drawn. it's difficult, showing them my thoughts, but manageable some of the time. the rest I babble, spewing prophecies and sayings long lost to the ages. Cassandra, reborn, in a crazier form. 

How hard is it to make Waffles instead of Pancakes?

*Read Rivers new entries every day at and find her on Facebook!*

*many a great and fuzzy thanks to my Beta, GreenKa61 , without her I would have made some dumb and embarrassing mistakes.*