Wednesday, May 18, 2011

River's Diary: Part Five by myownknight

Ghosts past now.
another day, always different, always same.
Teasing Kaylee, watching Inara, missing Wash, shadow fading every day. Hardly haunts Zoe anymore, but still there. Always missed, but no longer needed. Free to be just a memory now, one more puff of smoke on the ship called Serenity. Everyone misses him different, still miss the same. River never stops flowing, ships go with the flow. Ready to move on again.

his dinosaurs still guard the ship. guess they will always.

- River.


Fluctuations in Temperature.
Finally, Kaylee’s gotten around to fixing the Temperature Regulator. What with mooning over my boob of a brother, and fluttering around with ‘Nara ‘bout wedding go se, been going on almost two weeks since it busted, and everyone forced to bundle up in the Dorms, and strip as far as they dare in the cockpit. I’m not particularly bothered by heat, but it sure is fun to see the Cap’n go red when he walks in and I’m wearing Kaylee's shorts and a tank top. Were it not for ‘Nara Id think he was sly, but I know its just his dusty valor rising to the occasion.
As for the Two Weeks of Penance as its been referred to, worst part was two days in when Jayne threatened to go ‘bout ‘nekkid’ if she didn’t get the gorram thing fixed. Cap’n kaboshed that idea pretty quick, but not before I was bombarded with everyone's horrified thoughts as to how he would look. Most were far from kind.

- River Tam, Homo Sapien (Superior).


My Family
Inara says I ought to write a list of our family, don’t know, can’t see why, but will make ‘Nara happy.

My Family:
Cap’n Daddy- Malcolm Reynolds. captain, family father, protects, love, supports.
Mommy Aunt Inara - Inara Serra, sharer, carer, loves Cap’n Daddy.
Auntie Zoe- Zoe Washburne, Capn Daddy's second, mommy to the littlest, lioness.
Mei Mei Allie- Alleyne Washburne, three year old angel. understands rivers quiet, smartest of the bunch.
Crazy Uncle Jayne- muscle. boob. all kinds of horrific on the outside. thinks I can kill him with my brain. haven’t decided if I will.
Jie Jie Kay- Kaywinnet ‘Kaylee’ Lee Frye- soul of serenity. ships doc. loves everyone. Cap’n Daddy's favorite.
Simon- my brother. people doc. loves Kay. twice the boob Jayne is.
River- Albatross. pilot. Reader. crazy sometimes, not near as much now.
haven’t more time, have to go listen to Serenity’s heartbeat.


Kaylee's Inter-Engine Fermentation Brew.
dizzy spinning, not enough sleep
dazing drifting
falling of my seat.
shouldn’t have stolen,
was just one sip
hazy now can’t afford to trip.
didn’t know why, wasn’t allowed to try, thought it was stupid,
paying the price.

I’m going to go lay down on the bridge.

Breakfast Woes.

with just a few words, I muddle their heads, confuse straight lines they've drawn. it's difficult, showing them my thoughts, but manageable some of the time. the rest I babble, spewing prophecies and sayings long lost to the ages. Cassandra, reborn, in a crazier form. 

How hard is it to make Waffles instead of Pancakes?

*Read Rivers new entries every day at and find her on Facebook!*

*many a great and fuzzy thanks to my Beta, GreenKa61 , without her I would have made some dumb and embarrassing mistakes.*

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